2025 Municipal Election
A strong leadership team brings diverse backgrounds and unique perspectives to the table, helping the Village to make well-rounded, fair, and informed decisions.
The upcoming municipal general election will be held on Monday, October 20, 2025 at the Hay Lakes Recreation Centre. Polls will be open from 9:00 a.m. and will close at 8:00 p.m.
Nominations for the general election open Wednesday, January 1, 2025. Nomination Day is Monday, September 22, 2025, you can drop your nomination packages off at the Village Office between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.
Section 47 of the provinces Local Authorities Election Act determines who is eligible to vote. A person is eligible to vote in a municipal election if the person: Is at least 18 years of age; Is a Canadian Citizen; Has resided in Alberta for the 6 consecutive months preceding election day; The person’s place of residence is located in the area on Election Day.
The Voting stations will be located at:
The Hay Lakes Recreation Centre, 106 Main Street, Hay Lakes, AB.
Four voters at a time will be allowed to enter and cast a vote, so please plan ahead. Please make sure you have photo ID and proof of residence. No exceptions.
On Advance Poll day or Election day you must bring one piece of identification issued by a Government (federal, provincial or local), or an agency of that government, that contains a photo of the elector and his/her name and current address. If you do not have this please contact the Village office for the Chief Electoral Officer approved identification List.
Forms Required for Candidates